
Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Duffy Theatre Writing

On Monday Duffy Theatre came to Hornby primary school. When everyone was sitting down. Duffy was funny and then we sang this song and it was the Duffy song we did in English and sign language. They have a sound effects trolley. It was where they did all of their sounds for the show.

 They started the show. Duffy went and put on his gumboots. Firstly, Duffy milks the cow Molly. Molly was very sad because Duffy kept hurting her. Scruffy was always washing  her hands because she is scared of germs because of Corona. She was like a thunderstorm. Scruffy said Oh no what if Aunty towels has the coronavirus on it. I need to wash my hands again.

Duffy was learning online. Duffy got his ipad and went on the call with his teacher. The teacher did not know how to use technology. She was on mute the whole time she did not know but Duffy told her. Duffy’s classmate is being silly with names.Duffy faked wifi problems to avoid work so he didn’t have to listen to the teacher. 

Duffy has to stay back at aunty's home while aunty and Scruffy go and do farm work. The teacher set up a book. Duffy did not like the book that the teacher sent.The book that she sent was a book about teaspoons. Duffy went on the call again and Scruffy was being silly on Snapchat then Scruffy was being silly behind Duffy at class time on a call . Duffy loses his temper he was really angry. Duffy throws the tablets away. Chloe the pig broke the tablets in the farm.

Aunty called mum and Aunty gave the phone to Duffy and said sorry mum I lost my temper and threw the tablets away mum was ok and she said you go help Aunty do work on the farm and you might get a new tablet. Duffy asks mum to send him a new book. Duffy got his book and Scruffy found  it and she hand sanitised  and it was foggy and it was slippery.

Duffy goes for a big walk. Duffy falls in a black hole. He finds bones in a dark hole. Bess,the chicken, was in the hole with Duffy. Then Scruffy was worried about Duffy and she was trying to find him. They found him and they pulled him  out with a rope and tractor. 

                                        It was very fun but not as cool as last year one. 

                                                             The End

This is when duffy was on call with the teacher. 

1 comment:

  1. A nice piece of writing. Very well done. You have all the ideas in order and have made it interesting. Ka Pai!


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