
Friday, December 4, 2020

Place writing

In Writing we have been writing about places. I did a haunted house so here is it.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

My kitten writing

 We have done some animal writing and I have done about a  kitten. Here is my kitten writing. 

Friday, November 6, 2020


 In Math we are doing Algebra is about patterns and relationships here are 3 patterns I made that follow a rule.


Friday, October 23, 2020

My Carrot

Room 12 have been doing the flower competition in the high school we could choose if we want to do a vegetable or a flower and I did a vegetable I choose carrot. Here is my Carrot.


 Hi we have been listening to this music so here is my story for our writing.                                                                                                                                                                                                                

The boy was sad because the school was trashed. A teacher was on the phone to the police and the teacher saw the boy and she closed the door. The boy put on his hat and then walked away from the  teacher. The boy left the school grounds and the police turned up. The boy went over to the bikes and hopped on one while the police was talking to the teacher. The boy was very fast on the bike all the way home. He went inside and went to get something. He went to get some blankets and  some people came into his house with guns but he went out of his house. The boy walked with his backpack on him and the blankets in his backpack. He walked to the forest. He ran when he saw big bright lights behind him, he ran as fast as he could. The police came with guns and the boy went down on his knees and he blew up.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Healthy lunchbox

We have been leaning about no rubbish in our lunch box.


Wednesday, September 2, 2020

The best Animal is a Horse

Hi today I think that the best animal is a horse

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

The heart

Hi we have been learning about the most important body part. I think the the most important part of our body is the heart.What do you think the most important part of the body is?

Thursday, August 20, 2020

The best pet in the world is a DOG!!!!!!

Hi. Today I'm going to show you the best pet in the world which is a DOGGY!!!!!!

Dogs are the best pet you can have:)

I love dogs because they are the best pet in the world they are cool.

Dogs can keep you safe. When your mum is not around and
you just want to have a hug your dog hugs you.

Dog’s are very cute because they are  fluffy.

Dogs can make you get up in the morning.

  Dogs love to play with you. You can throw a stick and play
with their toy’s.

I think dogs are the best pet in the world.

Monday, August 17, 2020

The circulatory system😄

In topic we have been learning about the circulatory system. We found out about the blood.

Monday, June 8, 2020

All About me 2020!

hi reading!😝

Hi my name is Annalise and i am in year 4!💗

Friday, May 29, 2020

Hi i have made a facts about chicken i hope you like it. Do you like chicken tell me? I do not.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Book Review

Tittle: Owl Diaries.

Lucy and Eva were best friends and the teacher said there's going to be a new student coming into the classroom and her name is Haley and we're doing a project who can make the best Forest drawing.
Then Hayley came into the classroom and the teacher said you can sit where ever you like Hayley and Eva put her wings up as high  as she could and Hayley didn't see Eva  and the principal walk in the door and said the person that won the movie ticket is Eva gratulations Eva now you are going to Wonderland and its exciting the movie I wish I could come the principal said. The next day...
Eva was happy but then Eva remembered that she do not have someone to go with her it really look like Hailey is Lucy’s new best friend when Eva got home she made puppets of her and Lucy and even there pet’s little Baxter and Lucy pet Rex and Eva was playing with them the next day…..Eva flew to school super early tonight miss Featherbottom was the only owl there hello Eva hi has the  owl times been printed yet no not yet i was just about to print it and why? Said miss Featherbottom may i add something to it Eva said sure Eva then maybe you could help me pass out the newspapers said miss Featherbottom.I’d love to help said Eva. Eva placed a newspaper on each desk when everyone read it Eva said a bit sorry to Lucy, then Eva and Lucy are best friends’ and they had a sleepover with  Hailey and everyone got to go to the movies.

Monday, May 4, 2020

my math

1+1=2          9+9=18         17+17=33      
 2+2=4         10+10=20     18+18=35      
3+3=6          11+11=21      19+19=37
 4+4=8         12+12=23     20+20=39
 5+5=10       13+13=25     21+21=42
6+6=12        14+14=27     22+22=44
7+7=14        15+15=29     23+23=46

8+8=16        16+16=31     24+24=48

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

me and katie walking

          Katie and me walking 

We go for a walk around the block with our dog Katie at night time, I like walking at night time but it can be a bit scary at times.We did see a car full of teddy’s which was funny.

Friday, April 24, 2020

me baking chocolate cupcakes

 Me baking chocolate cupcakes

For this lockdown me and my mum do some baking not every far we have made vanilla cupcake,chocolate cupcake, brownie, m+m biscuits and chocolate chip biscuits.
My two favorites are the brownies,m+m biscuits. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Harley and Gizmo-cat's fighting

Harley &Gizmo-cat's fighting 

Harley snuggles up with someone and Gizmo come through the cat door and Harley jumps up and goes to Gizmo,Gizmo and Harley they both look in each other in the eye. Harley jumps on Gizmo and Gizmo bite Harley on the head.

Monday, March 23, 2020

The fun run

 Hi on Wednesday we had a fun run to the support kids can because they do heaps for us. Me and my class  had a fun run. My class weird black. We start the fun run and the police came and watch us we heard the sirens and that's when we go. Me and chaikaylah were together. She went ahead of me but that's ok the teacher square me and chaikaylah with the water guns. We were on top of the big field we had to run around the big top part of the field 2 times then we went down the water slide it was so fun.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Annalise aspire and my all about me 2020

I love kittens that are ginger and my name start with a A Annalise and i am 8 years old and my birthday is in June and i love my mum and i love my Dad. i love dogs and i love flowers and unicorns

l am in Ruru this year and we are looking at aspire Annalise goal my goal is to get better at reading and my basic facts in math this year.